Friday 5 February 2016

Some 20 years ago it was considered that outdoor activities are good for health though it still holds the authenticity people are now scared of stepping out of their homes without even knowing that homes are equally unsafe. Thanks to the emission of green house gases contributing to the cause and rampant deforestation due to greedy urbanization. We are already witnessing changes in precipitation and cyclone patterns, increment in the temperature year after year and sudden changes in the global climate pattern. Team of NASA has lot to say on this

This has a widespread lethal consequences on the entire gamut of human population and like other wild animals soon humans would also be listed under endangered population. The race can still be saved with joint efforts from people forming the government and people of the country.

Awareness is an important aspect as it would help us to create a safe and clean planet. Human beings are on the brink of dire straits if not checked and controlled. Following five reasons would catapult us into the world of extinction.

1.  Uneven agricultural season- When lot depends on timely delivery of agricultural products like fruits, pulses and cereals, uneven agricultural season causing lot of troubles which includes early depletion of nutrients resulting in malnutrition in children or nutritional gap in adults.

2.   Increase in disease causing vectors and viruses- Warmer the temperature greater would be the chances of infection from bacteria and viruses because they thrive in warm temperatures. Viruses mutate rapidly and that could be one of the reasons why hospitals have long queues of patients.

3.  Human body not able to acclimatize- There is a recent surge in sudden climatic chnages due to which its becoming difficult for the body to acclimatize, as a result cold, cough, sneezing are common problems.

4. Pollution- Emission of green house gases like methane, carbon dioxide etc from different sources are adding to the pollution. Burning of wastes is leading to Smog which is even more dangerous. Clogging of Mumbai air with the smoke emitted from wastes in Deonar is a recent example which doesn't reflect an efficient governance.

5.  Rise in sea level- This naturally means the low lying countries and cities will submerge under water. Hurricanes and cyclones are getting stronger. Drought and heat waves continue to take lives as the changes are irreversible. Arctic will soon be free from ice which would ultimately lead to rise in water levels.

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